Sunday, February 27

Steak is Great.

We are red meat lovers. None of this vegan stuff flies in the Feb Res household.

I like to tease my husband about some of the weird things he comes up with in the kitchen...pita with tzatziki, pineapple, black olives and southwest sauce anyone???

However, the man can cook a piece of meat. I'll give him that.

As a pre-Oscar celebration, we (read: he) grilled up a couple of beauties...

I opened the wine!

seasoned meat and tonight's wine

Bauer supervising while Mr. Feb res seasons the meat

look at those grill marks!!!

Is there anybody going to listen to my story....

I am a self-proclaimed music snob.

This past week, American Idol had it's contestant hopefuls singing Beatles songs. I couldn't handle it.

I was raised on the Fab Four. I'm not exaggerating. I spent hours, upon hours, upon hours listening to John, Paul, George and Ringo with my Dad. Examining the lyrics (sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come....?) memorizing every note and just appreciating the incredible connection these four artists made with the world.

I vividly remember being at a third grade friend's birthday party and instead of playing with the other kids, I was looking through her Dad's record collection. I then entertained her parents by reciting the lyrics to the most random songs they could throw at me.

This weekend, my favourite classic rock station had it's annual "Fabuary" weekend to recognize George Harrison's birthday (he would have been 68 on Friday) I listened to the songs, many of which (as cheesy as this sounds) serve as a soundtrack to many moments of my life, I can't help but feel "possessive" of these songs. Isn't that silly?

I guess that's why I hated the idea of a bunch of American Idol contestants singing "my songs".

Last summer I visited the mecca of all things Beatles. The music of this weekend got me a little nostalgic and had me re-visit my first love.

at Abbey Road

my fav lyric and contribution to the graffiti

all hail!

Monday, February 21

Happy Family Day!

It's Family Day here in Ontario.

Weeks ago I had all of these grand plans of work we were going to do around the house over this long weekend.  None of it happened.

Instead, we took Mr. Bauer for a nice sunny morning at the dog park, did a TON of laundry (and I mean a ton) watched a few movies and ordered Chinese for dinner.

After dinner I made a wonderful pot of tea. I bought a bunch of different teas when we were in London last summer and tonight I finally tried the Harrods Finest Earl Grey. It was wonderful, steeped for just the right amount of time and served with a slice of lemon. Delicious.

I wanted to take a picture so I can show the cute container it comes in, but my camera is missing.

So, instead, I'll share this adorable print that I want for my kitchen (via Etsy)

Friday, February 18

Spring Awakening

I had to wear my sunglasses today.

And not just to cover my tired looking eyes and 1-minute make-up job.  Because it was actually sunny!

The temperature peaked at over 10 degrees today, which made me very happy. Now I'm not going to get carried away, as "they're" (who are the they we refer to when talking about weather?) are calling for snow on Sunday.

However, when I left work (at 5:15! yay!) it was sunny and bright. I threw my shades on, jumped in the Golf and rocked out to a little Karma Chameleon (you come and go, you come and goooooooo).

To celebrate this pseudo spring day (and the start of a long weekend), Mr. Feb Res surprised me with one of my favourite summer cocktails.
Knock knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad for Orangetini's?

Now I'm not really a fan of coolers. I like wine and beer, and find the typical "girly coolers", sickly sweet.  However, I really enjoy Orangetini. I think of them as alcoholic Tang. Orangey, a little tart, great on ice and they don't make me feel like a 17 year old sneaking coolers in my girlfriend's basement.

This guy is very happy because the sunny weather melted the snow and he was able to go for a rollerblade with Mr. Feb Res.

Rollerblading is fun!

I'm going to be sunglass shopping soon. My good old Chanel's have just about bit the dust. Will you help me?

Enjoy your long weekend!

Thursday, February 17

My So-Called Life

Working late...again.

I am ready for the long weekend.

Lately my life feels like this (click to enlarge):

Maybe I should get back to work instead of posting cute cartoons to my blog.....

Wednesday, February 16

Short Post!

I wasn't going to write today.

Not only do I not have anything very interesting to share, it's super busy at work right now. I get home late, crash on the couch for an hour and go to bed. Wash, rinse, repeat.

But I have committed to myself that I am going to stick to my blog.

The weather is warming up a bit and I'm starting the feel the giddiness that comes with spring. I know we're not out of the woods yet, but the above zero temperature today definitely put a little spring in my step.

I'm also excited about a *possible* future opportunity (to share at a later date?). I'm subscribing to the thought that if I put my positive thoughts out to the universe, good things will come back to me.

Who knows, it could be a load of bologna (or is it baloney?), but I'll take what I can get.

So, send me some positive vibes?

I am optimistic!

Monday, February 14

My Funny Valentine

As I’ve mentioned, I have the world’s most handsome, smart, funny, and crazy dog. I love my husband, my family and my friends like crazy, but I ADORE my dog.

I seriously wish I could bring him to work with me.

Here’s my love
meet Bauer

I awoke today to him puking in his crate at 4am. So after cleaning him (husband’s job) and the mess (my job), obviously he had to jump in to bed and sleep between the two of us.

I let it slide. After all, it’s Valentine’s Day. 

If I was one of those wonderfully crafty and décor savvy people, I’d have a pillow like this for a day like this (via Etsy).

pillow talk

Hope your V-Day is filled with love.

Sunday, February 13

Savoury Sunday

So the husband and I (should I call him Mr. Feb Res?) decided to forgo the typical Valentine's Day plans (dinner, flowers, etc.) and treat ourselves to a decadent afternoon featuring some of our favourite libations and treats.

First up, an afternoon Caesar.

A summer staple at our home and the cottage, who knew that clamato juice (that's tomato juice with clam juice for you non-Canadian readers - HA! who am I kidding) with some vodka and the fixings make such a yummy cocktail.

hail caesar!

Second on the schedule.

A dozen raw oysters, shucked by my husband.  Mr. Feb Res loves oysters. I always turned up my nose to them and said "no thanks!". We were in London last year and he tried desperately to get me to have an oyster with him at Borough Market.  Stupidly, I declined.

I am now in love with the little slimy buggers.

no pearls in these guys

always with lemon and pepper

Being the smart lady I am, I told him he needs to take me back to London so I can indulge with him this time.

the aftermath
Up next, a platter of bread, oils, cheeses, pears, anchovies (for the husband only) and crackers.

5 year Balderson
Blue cheese
Goat cheese with hot chilli sauce (not pictured...damn!)

cheese makes me happy

as does bread

Clearly my husband knows the way to my heart is through my stomach.

So now I sit, happy and full.  Saving this guy for the Grammys tonight.

to be opened....
A lovely V-Day treat, from the comfort of my own home (and sweatpants).

Happy (early) Valentine's Day! What are your plans?

Friday, February 11

I think I'll keep him...

As I was saying in my earlier post, I've got a case of the February blahs...

I came home after an extremely long week (I woke up this morning and seriously thought it was Saturday, so sad...) and found the house clean, dog walked and this waiting for me courtesy of the husband...

pan seared scallops and shrimp in alfredo sauce with spinach and tomato, yes please!

I think I'll keep him.

I've settled in for the night with a glass of red (Robert Mondavi Cab Sauv, yum!) and my laptop to peruse spring clothes, sure to get me out of my February funk.

For example, this great yellow dress from ModCloth

Think I can talk him in to buying this for me for Valentine's Day?

I have a crush on all things yellow lately...too bad it's a very difficult colour for me to pull off.

Any fun spring things to share?

Maybe I sleep too much?

How do I become one of those people who can function on 5 hours sleep? And are SUPER productive in the other 19 hours?

I don’t know if it’s just the February blahs that are getting me down, but I have been super lethargic lately. Just kind of coasting, no ambition to start something new and generally kind of “blah” about everything. I go to bed around 10:30pm and it’s impossible for me to drag my butt out of bed before 7:30am!!!

Maybe the problem is that I'm getting too much sleep?

When I was in my early 20’s I was one of those people that ran on no sleep. I went to bed around midnight, was up at 5:00am, perky and ready to tackle the day! AND I didn’t even drink coffee then.


As I’ve mentioned, I’m crazy for reading blogs. I look at all these fabulous, inspired, creative and crafty things people are doing to their homes and lives and I’m envious. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life; wonderful husband, the best family and friends ever, great job and the world’s smartest dog…but I can’t help but feel just a little “off”.

Anyway, I’m chalking up it to the February “blahs”.

I'm dreaming of summer days. Only 4 months until June, right?

Just add Corona...

Thursday, February 3

What is she talking about?!?!

I love to read blogs.  Thus my goal to jump feet first in to the blogosphere and stick with it this time.

I’m kind of a blog stalker. I have a list of blogs that I check daily, to see what’s new with my online friends, who have no idea who I am and never will.

I don’t really stick to one genre of blogs, I read about everything: décor, renovations, baking, wine, people with adorable children, fashion, health, pets, etc.

After my first post last night I laid in bed thinking, “what is my blog supposed to be about?”.

I have no clue.

I highly doubt that any of you out there in the web world want to read about the mundane details of my life.

I need:

A topic
A subject
A hook
A theme

Why do I feel like a Grade Nine student trying to write an essay?

I’m hoping to figure this out as I go.

In the meantime, I like blogs with pictures. So here’s one for you.

La Vielle Ferme ($11.95, LCBO)

A delicious french red that I tried last night and enjoyed. Very much.

Any recommendations for me?

Wine or otherwise?

Wednesday, February 2

I have a blog?

Every year I rattle off a rotating list of New Years "resolutions" in my head:

I'm going to eat better
I'm going to run more
I'm going to drink more water and less wine (come on...this one is doomed from the start)
I'm going to go to church
I'm going to volunteer
I'm going to adopt better spending habits
I'm going to start a blog (!?!?!?!)

Now, some of my closest friends (and sure to be my only readers...) have heard me mention the last item more than once. I have two failed blogs to prove it (with a combined 12 posts over two years).

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be "better" and every January create this mental list of things we need to do to achieve the "better", "skinnier", "healthier", "wealthier" know that list, it goes on and on.

So, it's Feb 2 (minutes away from Feb 3) and many (read: most) of us have already abandoned our New Years "resolution". So that's why I'm starting February Resolutions...I've had 31, well actually 33 days to think about it, and I'm starting with what seems to be the simplest thing first: start a blog.

I don't know what this will end up being or who will ever read it. But maybe, for once? I'll stick a resolution out.

What's your February resolution?