Thursday, April 21

Can the Easter bunny bring me a new house?

The last few weeks have been stressful to say the least. After a year of talking about it, we finally decided to get serious about selling our house and moving. In 10 days we've gone through a bunch of houses, met with banks and realtors, come VERY close to putting an offer in one house and changed our minds.

Mentally exhausting.

So we've decided to "check out" from house mode for a few days and enjoy the long weekend. Which for us is also first weekend of cottage season!

We'll pack up tomorrow morning, try out Bauer's new seatbelt (pics to follow) and head to the lake. Good food, good wine, good books and good music at the cottage is just what I need to get myself out of my house-stressed funk.

Happy Easter!

See you tomorrow Lake Erie!

Friday, April 15

Sometimes good things really do happen....

To good people.

As you know. I'm a bit of a blog junkie and pretty much will read anything I come across that interests me. Which results in Mr Feb Res complaining that I spend too much time on the computer.


A couple of years ago, I stumbled across a blog about a young couple hoping to adopt.

FYI on Rach and Ry

I don't know what it was, but there was something about Rachel's posts that really touched me. Here is this young, beautiful couple, dedicated to their faith, family and community. All they want is to start a family of their own and they can't. It just seemed so unfair.

This blog made an impact on me and I often thought of this couple and checked in on the blog every few months.

I had some time to kill at work today and was randomly perusing the web, as I do, and Rachel and Ryan's blog popped in to my head.

I did a google search and pulled their blog up and lo and behold, they will become parents to a baby boy this summer. I couldn't help but smile. A big smile.

It's amazing how this good news, from complete strangers, people that I have never met or communicated with, made my day.

Sometimes good things really do happen to good people.

Tuesday, April 12

Very superstitious....

I dare you to not sing the Stevie Wonder song in your head as you read that headline.

I am very superstitious.

A while back I posted about positive vibes and optimism.

I seemed to work the first can you send me your positive vibes again? Last time I'll ask (this quarter...). I promise.

Monday, April 11

It smells like spring.

Last night I slept with the windows open. It was heavenly.

Spring has such a distinct smell.  Every year, without fail, I inhale that distinct spring smell and know we've turned a corner.

Mind you, the weather report is calling for some signifigant April showers, but I don't care.

I have a spring in my step. AND a fun new umbrella.

Friday, April 8

Jalapeno Jappy!

Sunday night. Nothing to eat. And neither one of us wants to go to the store.

So......let's rummage through the kitchen and see what we can come up with!

We created jalapeno havarti handpacked burgers and grilled jalapenos with cheese and roasted garlic.

Not too shabby.

lean ground beef, egg, onion, worcesterschire sauce, garlic powder, jalapeno havarti cheese

ready for the BBQ!

jalapeno, imperial cheese, onion and roasted garlic
top the burger with bruschetta

not bad for no food in the house!

Tuesday, April 5

Remember Me?

Sorry I have been M.I.A. we just got back from Scotland last night and were dealing with 1001 things before leaving for our trip. 

If you can call it a was more like the most whirlwind 3.5 days of my life.

Will post soon!

I was here!

Sunday, March 27

Lesson Learned.

Don't go to an open house "just for fun" if it is out of your price range.

We've been talking about moving for some time and are obsessed with searching MLS and looking for new listings.

We had no plans today, and decided that we'd drive to the neighbourhood we're interested in and see if there were any open houses. Not to buy....just to get a better feel for the neighbourhood and homes.

There was one house well within our price range, but we were 30 minutes early for the open house. So, while killing time cruising around the neighbourhood, we stumbled upon another open house and I suggested we check it our for fun...since we had time to kill.


I walked in and all of a sudden had a vision of future children playing in this house and Christmas dinners in the dining room. I saw myself yelling at kids to "take your shoes off in the mudroom" and drinks on the back patio while Bauer ran around the perfect backyard.  In the PERFECT neighbourhood.

The house needs a lot of cosmetic love, but felt like it could be an amazing home to a young family.  Ideally, our family.

Only problem is it's "just" out of our price range and "just more" than we'd feel comfortable taking on.

So, I need to:

a) win the lottery, or
b) hope this house comes down $60K in the next few days

I'm not optimistic about either.

Should have stayed home and did laundry this afternoon.

p.s. of course this house had an amazing laundry room.

Sunday, March 20

The reason I can't stick to my diet....

Is very simple.

Wine. Bread. Cheese.

We had a very productive weekend, so I decided I'd treat Mr. Feb Res and myself to a decadent little Sunday afternoon spread of my holy trinity of fun (see above!)

I decided to go with:

Roasted Garlic
Goat Cheese
Red Pepper Jelly
Bruschetta with Feta

and obviously some wine thrown in for good measure.

drizzle bread with EVOO and broil for 2 minutes. Rub with fresh garlic while bread is still warm.

my supervisor
 I had never baked garlic before. It was so easy!

Cut the top of the clove, drizzle in EVOO, warp in tin foil and bake for 35 minutes at 400 degrees.

no vampires here...
so good!

after broiling, rub with garlic

bruschetta with feta

the Sunday snack spread

I heart carbs

with roasted garlic, red pepper jelly and goat cheese

I think he liked it.

Friday, March 18

Once a loser...

Always a loser? 

Well, more like 24 times a loser, 4 times a winner.

My Glee "L"


It's the weekend. I am enjoying a french red and listening to James Taylor. How can you top Sweet Baby James? I think I would consider naming my son James just to sing that song to him.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 17

My Goodness, My Guinness!

It's been a crazy busy week and I've been feeling under the weather for most of it.

Here's to my favourite day of the year!

Some fun photos from our trip to Dublin.


at St. James' Gate

it's true....

looking over beautiful Dublin


this one is for Mr. Feb Res

the one and only...

Tim's Tally is at 4-22 (and I keep buying extra-large, damn!!!!)

Friday, March 11

What I'm (not) reading

I am a voracious reader.

When I started my blog, I was so excited to share "what I'm reading" via a fun sidebar.

If anyone is paying attention, you'll notice that my sidebar has yet to change from The Book Thief.

The Book Thief, Markus Zusak

I had several friends recommend the book and read nothing but rave reviews online.  So I picked it up and kept waiting to get hooked. It hasn't happened.

I typically go to bed eager to read for half an hour. But now I find I'm saying "meh, I could watch TV for half an hour instead..."

This is the longest it's ever taken me to read a book.

The thing is, I've invested too much time to turn back now. And, I don't want to be the only one who "doesn't get" The Book Thief. Why am I not loving it like everyone else did?

Anyway, it doesn't help that the book below has been waiting on my bedside, taunting me to pick it up. 200 more pages of TBT and I have date with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.

Furious Love, Sam Kashner & Nancy Schoenberger

Party frock talk

In a few weeks, I’m heading over to the UK for the wedding of a schoolmate of Mr. Feb Res’.

We’ll fly from Toronto to Heathrow (but very sadly have no time to stay in London) and then on to Edinburgh.

As excited as I am to experience Edinburgh (my first time), it’s also a little bittersweet to be so close to my favourite city (London) and not be able to spend some time riding the tube, drinking Bulmers Pear and eating Flake bars. Oh well, just means we’ll have to go back soon.

The wedding we’re attending is being held at the Balmoral, which I’m told is the premiere hotel in the city –  and also where JK Rowling finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  You better believe I will be checking out the JK Rowling suite, yours for a cool £965 per night, click here for more information.

But this post isn’t about the amazingness that is Harry Potter.  It’s a about dresses.

The adorable invitation states that smart suits, kilts are party frocks are acceptable attire.

please note attire recommendations at the

I think I actually squealed with joy when I saw the words party frock.  How British.

This gives me permission to buy a kick ass dress, right?

For those following the Tim's Tally. I'm at 3-17 (excuse the dated picture, JUST found my camera).

Monday, March 7

Has anyone seen my camera?

Sorry so quiet...I have two posts written, but can't seem to find my damn camera (and what good is a post with no pictures?). I've torn the house apart and no dice.

not my drawing....I'm not this talented.

Stay tuned.

For those that are curious, Tim's Tally is at 2-13.

Wednesday, March 2

Maybe I'm not such a loser....

Ladies and gentleman…



The Tim Horton’s gods must read my blog.

After whining this morning about how I never win during 'Rrroll up the rim to lose', someone up there took pity on me and decided to throw me a bone in the form of a free coffee.  

I am now 1-10. Wooohooo!

I decided I’m going to keep a Tim’s tally for the remainder of the promotion and share my results here (thrilling reading, isn't it?).

So, I have spent $17.05 on 11 drinks (avg $1.55) to win a free large coffee ($1.58).

I’m so smart, S-M-R-T.
Ghosts of Tim's past...

Rrroll up the rim to….LOSE?

I am a loyal Tim Horton’s customer. I visit “Timmy’s” on average about 4 times a week, either for my morning coffee (double, double) or an afternoon tea (just milk, bag in). I love Tim’s and there are few sticky, sweet treats that beat a honey cruller.

Each year, I excitedly hit the drive-thru to get a hot beverage in a red cup when Tim’s launches its annual Roll Up The Rim To Win campaign, and every year I end up frustrated.

I am not a lucky person, I don’t win things. I’m not saying that I expect to win the car, bbq or gift card (although I’d gladly take any of them), all I want is to win a few of the lousy free coffee prizes.

A few of the 42, 000,000 available. Is that so wrong?

Last year, I went 2-42 (yes, I kept track). As it stands right now, I am currently 0-10.

nobody likes a loser...sad cup #9

we've reached double digits!

My record is worse than the Toronto Maple Leafs (hockey reference for those non-Canucks). 

This won’t stop me from visiting Tim’s.  I’m just hoping that before this marketing campaign ends I win at least a couple of coffees, as it can’t be healthy for my blood pressure to jump every time I see the words “PLEASE PLAY AGAIN”.  

Tuesday, March 1

March Madness

It's March 1st.

The good news - I have officially made it past one month of blogging - yay me.

More good news, in 30 days Mr. Feb Res and I will hop across the pond for a wedding in Edinburgh - double yay.

And as if the good news couldn't get any better, March is closer to July than February - triple yay.

Today I booked off two weeks for this summer, which will be dedicated to sitting in the sun at the cottage, reading, drinking, eating and generally having no need for a watch.

Enough about the summer, back to March. I like March.

Not only is my birthday this month (beware the ides of March), I also happen to love St. Patrick's Day and green is my favourite colour.

So here's some green fun that I've been eyeing on Etsy, sure to channel your inner leprechaun.

because every wall needs a good ampersand

you could fit a six pack of Guinness in this beauty

a touch of spring

for my daily Earl Grey?

Sunday, February 27

Steak is Great.

We are red meat lovers. None of this vegan stuff flies in the Feb Res household.

I like to tease my husband about some of the weird things he comes up with in the kitchen...pita with tzatziki, pineapple, black olives and southwest sauce anyone???

However, the man can cook a piece of meat. I'll give him that.

As a pre-Oscar celebration, we (read: he) grilled up a couple of beauties...

I opened the wine!

seasoned meat and tonight's wine

Bauer supervising while Mr. Feb res seasons the meat

look at those grill marks!!!

Is there anybody going to listen to my story....

I am a self-proclaimed music snob.

This past week, American Idol had it's contestant hopefuls singing Beatles songs. I couldn't handle it.

I was raised on the Fab Four. I'm not exaggerating. I spent hours, upon hours, upon hours listening to John, Paul, George and Ringo with my Dad. Examining the lyrics (sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come....?) memorizing every note and just appreciating the incredible connection these four artists made with the world.

I vividly remember being at a third grade friend's birthday party and instead of playing with the other kids, I was looking through her Dad's record collection. I then entertained her parents by reciting the lyrics to the most random songs they could throw at me.

This weekend, my favourite classic rock station had it's annual "Fabuary" weekend to recognize George Harrison's birthday (he would have been 68 on Friday) I listened to the songs, many of which (as cheesy as this sounds) serve as a soundtrack to many moments of my life, I can't help but feel "possessive" of these songs. Isn't that silly?

I guess that's why I hated the idea of a bunch of American Idol contestants singing "my songs".

Last summer I visited the mecca of all things Beatles. The music of this weekend got me a little nostalgic and had me re-visit my first love.

at Abbey Road

my fav lyric and contribution to the graffiti

all hail!

Monday, February 21

Happy Family Day!

It's Family Day here in Ontario.

Weeks ago I had all of these grand plans of work we were going to do around the house over this long weekend.  None of it happened.

Instead, we took Mr. Bauer for a nice sunny morning at the dog park, did a TON of laundry (and I mean a ton) watched a few movies and ordered Chinese for dinner.

After dinner I made a wonderful pot of tea. I bought a bunch of different teas when we were in London last summer and tonight I finally tried the Harrods Finest Earl Grey. It was wonderful, steeped for just the right amount of time and served with a slice of lemon. Delicious.

I wanted to take a picture so I can show the cute container it comes in, but my camera is missing.

So, instead, I'll share this adorable print that I want for my kitchen (via Etsy)

Friday, February 18

Spring Awakening

I had to wear my sunglasses today.

And not just to cover my tired looking eyes and 1-minute make-up job.  Because it was actually sunny!

The temperature peaked at over 10 degrees today, which made me very happy. Now I'm not going to get carried away, as "they're" (who are the they we refer to when talking about weather?) are calling for snow on Sunday.

However, when I left work (at 5:15! yay!) it was sunny and bright. I threw my shades on, jumped in the Golf and rocked out to a little Karma Chameleon (you come and go, you come and goooooooo).

To celebrate this pseudo spring day (and the start of a long weekend), Mr. Feb Res surprised me with one of my favourite summer cocktails.
Knock knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad for Orangetini's?

Now I'm not really a fan of coolers. I like wine and beer, and find the typical "girly coolers", sickly sweet.  However, I really enjoy Orangetini. I think of them as alcoholic Tang. Orangey, a little tart, great on ice and they don't make me feel like a 17 year old sneaking coolers in my girlfriend's basement.

This guy is very happy because the sunny weather melted the snow and he was able to go for a rollerblade with Mr. Feb Res.

Rollerblading is fun!

I'm going to be sunglass shopping soon. My good old Chanel's have just about bit the dust. Will you help me?

Enjoy your long weekend!